Dear Mommy Dearest, I’m here with Grandma Plaintiff and Grandpa Boltz while you and Daddy Dearest go where ever it is that you two go to when you run away. I want you to know that I’m having the best…
Author Archive for Michael
Your first email from Nana
I received this email, along with permission to add it to my blog, from both the original author (Nana) and the recipients (Charlie) Mother (Evil Captor). Good morning my cutie. Today is your 3 month birthday and I ,…
Her Royal Highness, We put the FUN in dysfunctional
Blood is thicker than water…
Hello again Charlie, I had the privilege of spending some of my Saturday alone with you while your Mom and Grandma Plaintiff went to all of the garage sales looking for more stuff that you probably will never use. Your…
Her Royal Highness, We put the FUN in dysfunctional
Revenge of the EX-Crown Princess
Your Honor, The Prosecution would like to enter the attached three videos into evidence of the sarcastic nature of Her Majesty the EX-Crown Princess. These videos were made by Her Majesty the EX-Crown Princess when she went with Plaintiff recently…
Her Royal Highness, We put the FUN in dysfunctional
Hello Charlie… I met you for the first time today. I took you into my arms from your Mom and instantly flashed back to what seems like only yesterday when a nurse handed me your Mom for the first time…
Her Royal Highness, Rocking chair rants, We put the FUN in dysfunctional
Come out come out wherever you are…
Dear Charlie, I understand that your Mother has had enough of you being inside of her and has had the Doctor issue you an ultimatum. Surrender and come out on your own no later than 7 am Wednesday March 12,…
Her Royal Highness, Rocking chair rants, We put the FUN in dysfunctional
Plaintiff has decided that she’s going to go on the South Beach diet. Of course, by “she” – she actually means her and I both. Not sure how we got to this point in our relationship, but as I cannot…
Rocking chair rants, We put the FUN in dysfunctional
Naming Rights
In 1926, William Wrigley, the chewing gum entrepreneur and owner of the Chicago Cubs named his team’s stadium “Wrigley Field”. He had “skin in the game”. These days when a city builds a new sports arena, it frequently offers the…
Rocking chair rants, We put the FUN in dysfunctional
ACK! We have visitors!
So… you took a left at, a right at and then went past and made the right at the 2nd router and ended up in my little corner of the web. Welcome to the blog. I noticed…
The 11th Commandment – Thou shalt not strike a woman
Anyone who has gone near a church in the last 2000 years has most likely heard of the 10 Commandments. Just in case you missed them… 1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 2. Thou shalt not make…