Dear Rude little girl …
I want to start this off by telling you that I had recently told Nana that I’d most likely buy you your first car. Because I love you that much. Anything that you could possibly want. That all changed after this past weekend. I’m not sure I’ll be willing to help put training wheels on the first bike now…
Sure, we’ve heard you say “dog”, “sit”, “uh-oh” and “oops” before… but.
That mean old Grandma Plaintiff was holding you this weekend when you came down to play with me. I came in to kiss your cheek like usual and you spun that cute little head away from me… Having played this game with you before, I went to the other side… you spun that head around again… and again… and again…
Finally you held that cute little hand out to my lips pushed my face back and uttered your first few words that were actually addressed to me… You said…
The pain in my chest hurt worse than my first heart attack. Oh, to be scorned by my darling little one at such a young age. How will I ever get over it?
Then it dawned on me… how can I possibly blame you? That evil Mommy Dearest of yours probably tells you that every day. Can you be blamed for repeating what you’ve heard? I think not. I *still* love you… My world will not stop revolving around you….
Now, let’s practice saying “Grandma Plaintiff” together shall we?
Grandpa Boltz